Nov 11, 2020
On this episode I have the great pleasure to speak with Yvonne Baransky who is a Senior Product Developer at M&M Food Markets. I was able to ask Yvonne about how the company decides on new gluten free offerings – seems she gets to do some taste testing! As well, we talk able the mission to provide “real food for real life”, which includes a great many gluten free options. Yvonne outlines the three-tiered approach to identifying a product as gluten free, and she is quite proud of the more than thirty products which carry the CCA gluten free certification. I was impressed at the variety of foods and can see how these options can make a real difference for anyone who wants to eat well and must eat gluten free. Thanks M&M Food Markets for taking the time and care to provide us with the great variety of real food to meet both our everyday as well as special occasion needs.
You can find a list of the gluten free foods offered at –
Here is the link to the company’s gluten free policy –
If you have feedback for the team at M&M Food Markets you can visit the “Contact” page at –
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