Dec 14, 2022
I was fortunate to talk with many different people who consider themselves asymptomatic with celiac disease for a series of podcasts, uncoming in January. On this podcast, Peggy and her son are not asymptomatic, quite the opposite, their symptoms are severe, but they lack a diagnosis. I’ve run across many families in this situation and it’s difficult to give advice, because knowing what I know about diagnosing and living with celiac disease, I’m not sure what path I would take. Often these situations involve young children, who, for a variety of reasons have not had a proper diagnosis, but decisions must be made to keep they safe and healthy. What I’ve learned from speaking with so many about their diagnosis stories is that very few are straight forward and most have repercussions deep into the family dynamic. If you would like more information on many of the aspects of celiac disease that I speak to Peggy about, spend some time on the website of the Canadian Celiac Association I encourage you to print off whatever resources might help you to speak to your doctor, family members, school or friends about what you need to be healthy.
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