May 5, 2021
Happy Celiac Awareness Month! This is the first episode of the month and that means I get to discuss a variety of different topics about celiac disease and the gluten free diet with Ellen Bayens of Ellen and I chat about a Canadian study on the expense and social challenges of the gluten free diet. The study looks at the myth of the diet for weight loss as well as some positive trends with those of us eating gluten free. Ellen introduces me to Gnu Sante, a company making “lunchbox friendly” smoothies for kids that are gluten free and actually good for them. Ellen and I talk very briefly about the suitability of a plant-based diet for those of us eating gluten free. I acknowledged that this is a big subject, and deserves its own podcast episode – something Ellen and I will arrange in the near future. Two very resourceful ladies came into focus on this episode – Selena Devries RD and Cinde Little. Both have large followings on social media – Selena for her professional help with the gluten free diet and Cinde for her new “Healthy Me” course as well as her recipes and videos. Since May is Celiac Awareness Month, I tease Ellen with some of the activities I’m involved with, including recipe videos and a curbside gluten free food drive.
Study Confirms Gluten-Free Diet is Expensive & Socially
Introducing Gnu Santé gnubees Nutritional Beverage Snacks!
Inspiration from Everyday Gluten Free Gourmet's Kitchen
• Hundreds
of Free Gluten-Free Recipes - Appetizers to Desserts!
• Healthy
Me Course - Newly diagnosed? Confused by labels? Feeling
overwhelmed? Help is here!