Feb 13, 2019
This episode is a look at the new Canada’s Food Guide with Registered Dietitian Selena De Vries. The new food guide is a dramatic change from the recommendations we have known for years. We have always been told to eat so many servings from different food groups. The new guide takes a different approach and Selena does a great job breaking that down for us.
Selena was a past guest on Episode 14 of the podcast discussing the challenges of losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight on a strict gluten free diet.
Selena has written about the new food guide on her website at –
Selena can be found online at – www.healthbean.ca
on Facebook at Healthbean Nutrition and on Instagram at celiac_dietitian
Sue’s Websites and Social Media –
Podcast https://acanadianceliacpodcast.libsyn.com
Podcast Blog – https://www.acanadianceliacblog.com
Facebook - @acanadianceliacpodcast
Twitter – CeliacPodcastCA
Email – acdnceliacpodcast@gmail.com
Baking Website – https://www.suesglutenfreebaking.com
Instagram - @suesgfbaking
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUVGfpD4eJwwSc_YjkGagza06yYe3ApzL
(search Sues Gluten Free Baking)
Email – sue@suesglutenfreebaking.com
Other Podcast – Gluten Free Weigh In – https://glutenfreeweighin.libsyn.com