Jul 29, 2020
On this episode of the podcast I speak a Mother and Son who have collaborated on a book about the impact of a celiac diagnosis on a family. Their book is called “Celiac Lost: A Family Guide to Finding a Gluten-Free Life”. In it they give plenty of tips about organizing meals, arranging a kitchen, shopping and situations with others. This is a book which is a practical resource for anyone newly diagnosed or struggling with the gluten free lifestyle. There’s also plenty here for those of us who have been on the diet for a long time. Shelly and Christopher Shiflett wrote the book they wish they had when Christopher was diagnosed in his early teens. It was Ellen Bayens of theceliacscene.com who put me in touch with the authors. I have included links for Ellen’s article, as well as the website, facebook page and Instagram account for the book.
Sue’s Websites and Social Media –
Podcast https://acanadianceliacpodcast.libsyn.com
Podcast Blog – https://www.acanadianceliacblog.com
Facebook - @acanadianceliacpodcast
Twitter – CeliacPodcastCA
Email – acdnceliacpodcast@gmail.com
Baking Website – https://www.suesglutenfreebaking.com
Instagram - @suesgfbaking
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUVGfpD4eJwwSc_YjkGagza06yYe3ApzL
Email – sue@suesglutenfreebaking.com
Other Podcast – Gluten Free Weigh In – https://glutenfreeweighin.libsyn.com